“I thought I loved myself pretty well, but my Tarot reading with Katrina guided me and inspired me to love myself even better. I gathered new clues about how to treat myself with the practical compassion I need to fully bloom. Her open-hearted curiosity stimulated my own open-hearted curiosity to operate at peak levels. I loved that! Her smart kindness catalyzed our ability to explore a frontier of my self-understanding.” (2019) — Rob Brezsny, Free Will Astrology
“A special thanks to Katrina Wynne for the soul journeying. I went to another dimension and back. Learned something that tied together the entire year for me. Now it all makes sense. ((Thank you)) Katrina.” — Donnaleigh, NY, USA
"My experience with you and your reading and insights were really wonderful. Thank you for being you and being so good at what you offer all of us. " — Mira, OR, USA
“I’ve felt a surprising and unexpected renewal of general interest and energy in these several days since our session. Just when I was reaching a point of satiation, even a kind of cynicism, as if I had seen it all and done it all and was weary of it all. I was beginning to mistrust myself and to feel like one of those people who become lost and muddled without the intervention and structure of work. Whew! Feels like a narrow escape. Saved by the Tarot reading!” — Jeri, NY, USA
“Yesterday’s experience was amazing…your intuitive words offered direct guidance to me and really hit home. Thank you!” — Barbara, Oregon, USA
“What I enjoy so much about Katrina’s readings is that they are done in a very personal way. I simply experienced this process while Katrina witnessed and facilitated it for me. It was a discovery of self, where I recognized my power in relation to universal sources of energy."
— Melissa, Brazil
"Thank you so much for your support, Katrina. You've been Instrumental in me finding my niche!" — Wanda, TN, USA
“I remember with gratitude the nuanced and profound reading I got from you at the (Oregon Country) Fair a few years ago.” (2006) — Rob Brezsny, Free Will Astrology
"The 'ritual' brings one into spaces within that connect each layer of ones being, explanatory of both the light and shadow of ourselves with an impact hard to ignore. It was almost an epiphany… I feel gratitude for the intuitive teaching guided by Katrina, it was validating and reinforced my spiritual journey. Now, it is up to me to put the amazing, “aha” experience into practice. Thank you!” — Barbara, Oregon, USA
“Katrina thank you so much for taking me on a deep dive through the Awakening Universal Purpose. I was blown away by how much i felt and experienced and the insights that emerged. I still feel its effects 6 weeks later in that i’m experiencing a lot of shifts on all levels. I feel i’m being fast tracked into being Purposeful and Source led. As i re-read my notes, i am again reminded of the Power within, that i am unfolding and becoming That which is speaking to me in every moment, That which was revealed to me during this beautiful soul opening experience” — Manisha, Hawaii, USA
“I hope sharing my story (posted on the weblog) helps people to open Love to Divine Source. Good luck to you on your career and bless everyone who comes to you for help.” — Nhan, Oregon, USA
“Experiencing the Universal Life Purpose activation with Katrina Wynne was truly profound. It was a once in a lifetime reading where I was able to integrate deep parts of myself and experience them in a unique way. We did this reading through Skype and found the process was in no way altered by communicating through this medium." — Melissa, Brazil
“The reading itself allowed me to tap into core dimensions which I have felt over the course of my life, but never had the opportunity to explore in great depth. I appreciated the opportunity to match a figure in tarot to each level and personalize the dimension for myself. The division between the dimensions allowed me to characterize the different energies that I often tap into through meditation, prayer, art, and other forms of conscious expression and exploration.
What I enjoy so much about Katrina’s readings is that they are done in a very personal way. I simply experienced this process while Katrina witnessed and facilitated it for me. It was a discovery of self, where I recognized my power in relation to universal sources of energy. What I really found pleasurable about this reading was Katrina’s ability to help me access the dimensions through meditation, music, a hand mudra, and spoken word. A diagram of the dimensions was in front of me, along with colored depictions of where each dimension sits in relation to my point of reference.
Plus, a meditative posture was used to capture the energy and awareness of the dimension at hand. After Katrina eased me into this space, I was able to draw a card that captivated and reflected this energy back to me. This allowed for more understanding and further exploration of the dimension at hand. Each card mirrored my experience of that dimension as we would build and explore higher and higher dimensions until we reached completion at the 10th, the universal source.” — Melissa, Brazil
"Thank you so much, Katrina, for a truly inspiring class today. You really opened my eyes to new perspectives that I can practically apply to my business, as well as personal life. How to be a more mindful, compassionate human being. And it was so fun co-creating with everyone. It warmed my soul. Excited for the next session!" — Morrah, Professional Supervision
"Katrina always creates a fertile environment for insight." — Christine, Tarot Journeys with Katrina Wynne, M.A.
"Thank you, Katrina, for your wonderful insights, feedback, and guidance. It was amazing to meet fellow tarot practitioners. So happy to meet you and looking forward to working with you all again!" — Eliza, Professional Supervision
“I am always amazed at how well researched your workshops are, and the gentle, caring approach you use to train. This one was no different. Thank you so much for this launch pad on ancestral work.” — Arlene, Ancestral Trauma & Healing with Tarot
"I love the idea of working with the Tarot on re-programming our cells, clearing from inherent negative beliefs and forgiveness – lots of lovely inspiration and stimulation!" — Steve, Ancestral Trauma & Healing with Tarot
"Thanks for sending the handouts so quickly." — Arlene, Ancestral Trauma & Healing with Tarot
"I can testify to all that Katrina is saying here, having taken some of her webinars and I highly recommend them, speaking as a Tarot creator, author, teacher and reader for 35 years." — Steve Hounsome, www.tarottherapy.co.uk
"By definition, a retreat is an event in which one backs off from stressful situations to recharge the physical/mental batteries. I can definitely say that the recent Tarot event that Katrina offered last weekend not only allowed me a chance to regroup, it also helped me to realize how important it is to have the opportunity to retreat to a safe place of contemplation.
To grab our attention, the main speaker, James Wanless, performed his initial interpretation of the Emperor card. What did it mean to be in the position of a masculine role model or leader? Realizing that a few of the group members were also interested in this question, I was immediately intrigued to know more.
In her first group session, Katrina Wynne added coals to the fire of this question when she invited each of us to consider all aspects of the Divine Masculine. For some of us, including me, I thought about my own nature as displaying some of the traditionally masculine traits of toughness for survival.
As is always the case, Katrina Wynne presents a professional and comprehensive approach that invites her students to open up their hearts and minds to the topic at hand; in this case, she was offering us a fresh take on what it means to be human in these complicated times.
Using a 'Circle Game' to offer a tangible approach to this topic, Katrina challenged each of us to dive deep into our understanding of the Divine Masculine.
In the third session, chaired by James Wanless, we drew cards for a reading to consider the matter from another angle. Not surprisingly, the choices for several of the participants were in line with their own mind and soul concerns. I was surprised to draw aces for all four of my cards. It was suggested at a subsequent reading that this might have to do with opening up to new beginnings in all aspects of my life.
At any rate, I cherished the energy and insights this retreat helped me to discover. Thank you, Katrina, for a meaningful experience. It goes without saying that we are offered many opportunities throughout the year to awaken our senses and to work toward transformation and growth. It helps me to think we are all part of the same human family, in search of the same chances for a meaningful life. I look forward to next year’s retreat. Thanks again, Debra M." — Debra Matthews
,"Katrina Wynne's An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling is a powerful work in a small package. Finally, a book that demonstrates what tarot counseling is all about. Wynne shows how alchemy and the 'magic of change' in a tarot reading results from a reader who supports and follows the querent's own experience of the cards. Find out if a tarot counseling approach is right for you. Explore the skills and ethics involved. Highly recommended." — Mary K. Greer, author of 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card and Tarot for Your Self.
"I encourage anyone that wants to bring more depth to their readings (including readings for themselves) to include this book in their library!" — Bonnie Cehovet, from her weblog Perspectives On Tarot - Bonnie's Tarot World
I came across your book on Amazon, and I am impressed with how you have integrated Tarot with counseling. I am a holistic clinical counselor and use energy therapies and spiritual counseling in my practice. I really believe in integrating what in the past has been seen as mystical, with contemporary approaches to healing. I love that you're doing this and believe our world needs more of it. Thanks again for your contribution of bringing together the best of the old with the best of the new! — Diana J Bowen, PhD, LCPC
"Overall, Transformative Tarot Counselling is a very well written book that presents its ideas and processes in a very clear and smart way. I would recommend this book to experienced Tarot readers who are open to exploring new ways of reading Tarot and engaging with clients. I personally appreciated the opportunity to learn more about Katrina's style and evaluate how I might integrate some of her techniques into my own reading style. And you don't have to subscribe to every one of Katrina's philosophies or approaches to get value from this book. I would especially recommend this book if you are a Tarot reader who is interested in how you can conduct interactive dialogues with your clients in ways that will engage them in the reading and that will open them up to their own, personal insights. And I would recommend it for those readers who are more naturally inclined to a counselling style of Tarot reading." — Brigit Esselmont, Biddy Tarot
"Katrina Wynne provide us with a tarot reading technique that engages the reader and allows them to discover their answers rather than dictating an interpretation of the cards to them. This allows for a more cathartic reading that transforms the client and gives them back control of their life. Excellent book for those that want to empower their clients rather that dictate to them." — Amy Quintal
"This books gives me a new perspective in how I utilize my cards and also demonstrates a more professional feel/vibe to using them as a proper tool in my counseling practice. Clients can truly learn more about themselves in a relaxed fashion and will, hopefully, empower them as well." – Wanda K.
"This book really showed me the difference between traditional reading styles and this transformative counseling style-- I think my biggest takeaway is that is about PROCESS! I have usually been much more focused not only on interpreting the cards for querents/clients, but *also* in (mistakenly) thinking about the end of the reading as the most important part, where the "final takeaway" happens-- instead of seeing the whole reading itself as a full experience of walking through an unfolding mystery and discovery with client at every step. Page 32-33 has this great explanation:
"Insight-oriented Tarot reading is interpretive and tells the client what the cards mean. This type of reading stops at the Albedo stage of the alchemical process. In contrast, TTC offers an experience of the cards' message, the evoked spirits, and their dance. It supports the transformative potential of the client (and the reader). Further distinction can be made by imagining the typical Tarot reading as satisfying the mind, from the neck up, while TTC is a full-body experience including the body, mind, heart, and spirit, a more integrative prospect."
A huge way this can improve my reading skills and influence my style is that I can really connect to this from a background of teaching and coaching sports-- in which the learning happens in a full body way and is always about the process itself and not just the end goal of skill acquisition. I feel excited to start moving more towards this highly experiential and interactive way of reading (really, "guiding" and listening and supporting) with clients because I love working in this way already, but it's new to integrate this with reading tarot.
This line also really resonated with me:
'The experience of the reading becomes more significant than the interpretation of the Tarot cards.'
WOW! I have really not thought about reading from that perspective before, but I love that. It helps me to think more about sinking into being present with the experience of the reading and what emerges organically, instead of just being focused on the outcome and "final takeaways." Thank you for teaching and presenting such a different way of working with the Tarot, Katrina-- this book is a revelation." — C. Loveland
"I loved reading this book! It was able to articulate for me very clearly the difference between a counselling session and a tarot reading. It's taken me a while to be able to clearly define what my practice is, and the blurry line between counselling and the Jungian approach to tarot has been very confusing. This book was a great help for me to understand that, though I do want to bring a deeper psychological aspect to my practice, I don't want to practice therapy. I now understand the ethical boundaries between a therapy session and a tarot reading. I especially liked how Katrina pointed out that it's not necessarily "fair" to the client to turn a tarot reading into a counselling session that they didn't ask for (and vice versa). " – Terri W.
"What I appreciated about this book is the aspect about how the ethics of counseling in relation to tarot and bringing the cards into a counseling session in contrast to what it looks like to read cards with out the counseling lens. I enjoyed the legal piece the most because it gave me guidance in where to look and what to be considering when promoting myself in this business as a professional counselor (almost licensed) as well as a Tarot consultation professional. I find myself trying to bridge the gap in my world, daily, and am trying to figure out how to advertise myself with these two worlds which seem so similar but "legally" different." – December B.
"After having read this book, I finally understand the workings of Alchemy and how these workings and the different stages involved in the alchemical process of transformation relate to the different stages in a Tarot reading that enable us to turn our shadow aspects into light. I love it! This has brought me closer to the Tarot and to understanding how it works. Before this, I was simply using it as an intuitive tool to help figure things out for myself and for others, without really grasping the ‘mechanics’." – Coletta P.
"As a counseling professional, I can that that the things I already know regarding counseling skills and ethics are easily blended when using Tarot as a tool in counseling. Most people, including myself until recently, have the preconceived notion that Tarot is fun and for fortune-telling. While Tarot IS fun, I like that this book addresses how this should be taken more seriously than as some whimsical "woo-woo stuff" (a phrase some of my clients like to use). I never imagined I would be able to use my cards in my practice considering I live in the South in the "Bible Belt" of the United States and that I had been taught (perhaps subliminally) that Tarot cards would never be considered a proper tool in helping clients. Carl Jung, among others, have proven otherwise, and I am here for that purpose." – Wanda K.
"To experience the magic of Katrina Wynne’s groundbreaking text, An Introduction to Transformative Counseling: The High Art of Reading, is to partake of an awe-inspiring “Sacred Journey of the Soul.” In as much as the author prepares each traveler to apprehend moments of spiritual clarity and personal transformation at the culmination of a meaningful tarot reading, she offers a method that utilizes the best philosophical minds and sound counseling practices to help the client to discover his or her unique vision of self and creator.
To prepare those who are ready to begin the road to “insight and integration,” Wynne qualifies the direction her method will take those who choose to follow her path. First, the emphasis will be on “following” the client. The traditional route has often been characterized by the reader’s offering his or her insight and intuition. This left the client with a passive role in the experience. In the transformative model, the client or “querent” will work to discover a personal relationship with the cards. This in turn will spark this individual to make personal discoveries that may offer viable solutions to the matter in question.
Wynne’s Transformation provides useful theoretical tools to ensure an insightful experience for both the client and reader. Utilizing Carl Jung’s “individuation process” to aid the client in his or her personal quest of “one’s authentic and deepest self,” the author cleverly displays a useful example of the “above” and “below” aspects of the tarot reading experience. The client realizes not only the obvious parts of the issue in question, but the shadow areas that elude conscious reflection. As the client, reader, and cards relate in this interactive way, the magic of the entire process comes into play.
Indeed, magic, psychology, and transformation are at the heart of the matter Wynne relates as she chronicles Israel Regardie’s four stages of magic. To start with, the idea of divination as “the development of the inner psychic faculty of intuition” evokes a sense of the opening of a spiritual third eye.
As aptly put forth in the theoretical works of deconstructionists such as Jacques Derrida, the second stage or evocation invites the dance of duality that Regardie and Jung find necessary to an eventual psychic integration. What is beneath one’s awareness must come to the light of human consciousness.
Like the syllogistic logic that combines thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, Regardie expresses the importance of the third or invocation stage, which brings one close to the moment of integration. The goal is to achieve a feeling of oneness with the Divine.
How might these stages, which culminate in a fourth or initiation stage, impact a given tarot reading? The stages of personal enlightenment awaken the magic and the possibility for personal transformation. As the client achieves his or her golden moment, the journey from the darkness of chaos to the light of understanding opens vistas for further journeys for both the client and the reader.
Wynne succinctly utilizes these theoretical readings to provide a solid base on which the tarot reading is to enrich the lives of both the client and the reader. The counseling skills that she details offer sound advice for new and experienced readers. Of particular note is the idea of providing “blank access.” This allows the client the opportunity to achieve his or her journey to insight. Key to the success of this enterprise is the back seat position the reader assumes, as the client becomes the primary driver.
Those who enter this journey with an open and honest mindset will reap benefits far beyond the sum of the theory, counseling advice, sample readings, resources, and bibliography Katrina Wynne so generously provides throughout the text. The light which this professional so readily shines into the hearts of her reading audience radiates profoundly from within the author herself." — Debra Matthews
"There is a lot of practical wisdom packed into this little book. I especially appreciated the sample readings that illustrated the process, and plan to incorporate them, and the four card spread described. They were a good way to ground the learning of the book. I loved the width and breadth of tying magic, psychology, spirit. I feel that Dance described -the dance between cards, reader and querent." — Cynthia R.
"I found my aha! moment at the end of this book. What I found here is no less than my Soul Purpose. (I'm crying tears of discovery, or more accurately, re-discovery right now as I write this). At the end of the last chapter Katrina writes,"Why stop at the door when we are invited to move beyond the veil?" (She goes on to write, and I abbreviate) "This...requires willingness to drop what we know and step into the unknown until it becomes familiar...going into the unknown...holding sacred space until they find their own way, their own light." Here I found the deeper thread of connection, my calling to this work, the reason Katrina is my teacher. My work is HERE! I am here to help others to find their light and my tool is the Tarot. This new-found (re-discovered) awareness of my purpose (my calling) gained through reading Transformative Tarot Counseling gives me permission to move away from traditional approaches to reading tarot and step into an exploration of soul level work with myself and others. I am on a path, entering the unknown, and Katrina, through her work and her teaching, is lighting my way. I am here to do THIS." – Patryce E.
"An important new concept I learned is Following and not leading in a reading. I have seen this happen over and over, where a client comes in weekly for a reading on the same subject. It really drives my reader's at the store crazy. I have told them it is okay to tell the client that they feel it's unethical to continually take payment from them, because it seems not to be helping. I love the thought of helping the querent to engage in their own awakening. To guide them to engage with their own process really resonated with me. Truly helping them t uncover their diamond. To be the reader who helps them to see how to grow their own garden instead of being the reader who is the waitress who brings one singular plate of food. I think every type of reader out there should read this book!" – Jennifer J.
"Really love the transformational spread you use in this book. It has 4 cards that give you 4 aspects of the client's issue(s) and therefore not overwhelming the client with too many cards or images or aspects...giving the client powerful perspectives/cards to focus on and then let them flow. It's like 'less is so much more' and keeping it simple and powerful." — Jennifer H.
"The sample sessions in the book were very helpful to see how a transformative reading unfolds and what the reader-client interaction might look like. These sample readings, all together, conform like a snapshot or sort of template that will be really useful when I eventually start working with clients who are seeking a counseling type of Tarot, or are simply aware of the benefits of seeking one’s own answers. It will be very interesting to experience this way of reading, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it feels and to what extent it might change my style." – Coletta P.
"I learned from this book is the four-card spread and how, in its simplicity, it holds such a powerful container of progression for the querent to explore their issue. I am inspired to begin using that right away. I liked the examples Katrina used too - really supporting the querent's relationship to each card and then bridging them to the next before wrapping the reading up with grounding into the story of how they all work together with the querent's embodied experience of the reading.
I also really liked chapter 7 because the language Katrina uses is helping me to understand more fully why and how I want to offer (explain + educate) this service to my clientele. Tarot as 'setting the stage for new doors of perception to open for the client.' and tarot as a tool to inspire us all toward enlightenment and wholeness.
The information in this book (her philosophy about tarot and the specific way to evolve/co-create a reading with a client) will help me to deepen into my belief of empowering clients to find, trust and act upon their own inner knowing. The ideas Katrina provided and practical steps support my philosophy + expands my style to become even more collaborative and client-led." – Pam K.
"This book helps me understand when and how to integrate my counselling skills in a tarot reading and realise that the aim is still to hold and guide the client to unfold their personal power. The book’s examples were very useful for noticing this integration in action while engaging with the client and interacting with the cards.
I am aware of the stages of Alchemy as my approach is transpersonal, but It was fascinating to discover how I could relate to those stages in a tarot reading." – Frederique G.
"I appreciated the book's specific example of "following" a client through a Tarot reading, and the skill of staying in the background and letting the client's experience and associations take center stage." – Nicole S.
"I love learning about 'leading vs following' the client in a reading...no longer a passive recipient, the client is less likely to become dependent on the reader. I know that the people who tend to be tarot addicts are often the ones who want the predictive readings, but there are still plenty who depend on tarot readers for other things as well.
And the four card spread is fantastic!! So many wonderful things and such valuable information in this small book." – Lorelle P.
"I'm excited to learn about other disciplines and their application to Tarot, especially Jungian psychology and alchemy. I learned in this book that the stages of a Tarot reading can be likened to the process of alchemy. Alchemy attempts to transform prima materia into the philosopher's stone. A Tarot client, likewise, seeks personal transformation in a Tarot reading.Iintuitively I was already drawn to this process and was implementing it to some degree, but now I have the words and the background to describe it. I hope that in working through these stages with clients that they will begin to see that they too can learn to do Tarot for themselves." – Kirk A.
"One of the biggest take aways from this book came in the 'Counseling Skills' chapter. I learned a lot in that one chapter, but most profoundly was the part about making my role in the reading more descriptive and less prescriptive. This will be a significant change for me, but one that I know will improve my readings." – Amy L.
"I’ve really enjoyed learning about these incorporated counselling skills when giving a tarot reading, as illustrated in this book. They bring a more holistic approach to tarot consultation. An aspect of this method that stands out, for me, is ‘following’ the client during a reading. A more client-centred approach involving deep listening skills.
During consultations, the skils taught in this book can assist me to include the client more during the reading process, inviting them to engage with their intuition, and to cultivate a personal relationship with their reading. So, supporting their own discovery of solutions and actions. This integral engagement would leave them more empowered in regards to their enquiry, and taking responsibility for their own choices. I would then offer my insights and knowledge when/if appropriate....Blank access, listening fluidity, stillness & creativity would work well here. This method/ invitation aligns with the therapy work I already offer, which aims to keep its essence holistic and integral." – Shaheen A.
For a dynamic review and Tarot Journaling exercise utilizing the principles in this book, please visit Benebel Wen's video series on YouTube, "Sightsee the Tarot".
"Katrina is one of the best teachers I've come across in the Tarot world." — S K
"Taking a deep dive into understanding the Chariot Card’s many nuances, symbolism and meanings really opened a new depth of understanding. The Chariot is my Soul Path Card, and so I appreciated the deep awareness of this card, which was supported by the wonderful journal prompts you provided. I look forward to more deep dives like this. Thanks, Katrina!!" — Moira
"Tarot Journeys is an amazing, thorough, heart-warming, excellent, and inspiring presentation." — S K
"Katrina is a fully committed teacher. Her breakdown of The Chariot was alive and full of facts and wisdom which come from years of study and experience. Highly recommended!" — VR
"This was an excellent presentation. I loved the range of decks you used to explain the card and I got some new info or reminders about the symbolism. Nice and clear and really well paced." — Alison
" VII The Chariot is the first in a series of Major Arcana multimedia programs that promises to enlighten and enrich tarot enthusiasts at both the newcomer and seasoned reader levels. Drawing upon the wisdom and experience of the master tarot historian, counselor, and reader, Katrina Wynne, this seminar combines both the erudite facets of tarot history as well as a preponderance of compelling artistic evidence of the provenance of the chariot card.
In the opening minutes, Wynne creates an all encompassing tapestry of historical images, symbols, and associations relating to the chariot tarot card. At the same time, she invites the participants to consider a number of practical ways of dealing with these images, by offering questions the participant might answer to enhance his or her understanding of the tarot reading experience. In addition, Wynne enlarges the scope of this card of success or balance to include the number seven in all its allusive historical, philosophical, and literary richness. To be sure, the presenter backs up all of her examples with secondary sources for beginning and seasoned tarot readers alike. She also presents personal examples that are a testament to her conviction as to the importance of this tarot card of triumph.
This compelling and interesting presentation, as well as her related recorded tarot programs and classes, are a must for serious tarot readers and psychological/spiritual enthusiasts." — Debra Matthews
"Magical and knowledgeable content that brings in symbolism and academic references. Completely entertaining, visually appealing and expert level tarot information. Loved it! One of the better courses out there teaching tarot completely." — S K
“Your programs are hitting all those boxes I’m looking for to be the Tarot reader I want to be.” — Zack, Prospective Student
“I am falling in love with the Tarot since I have been studying with Katrina's beginner class.” - Loretta
"I have taken most, if not all of Katrina Wynne’s Tarot Courses with Global Spiritual Studies. I have found that learning the tarot with Katrina Wynne is simple, fun and easy to follow. Katrina has an encyclopedic knowledge of the tarot with many years experience."
— Richard Martin
"Tarot and Psychotherapy have a future together. Katrina Wynne's Transformative Tarot Counseling™ approach is on the cutting edge of this process!" — Adam Guss, MSS, LCSW, PTC-1 graduate
" I work as a qualified psychotherapist in the UK, and working to the ethical framework and observing safeguarding is a vital part of how I work. The PTC-1 course focuses in detail on following safety, ethics and professional boundaries that every mental health worker needs to adhere to. I found this reassuring and it gives good structure when introducing this approach to my practice. The course gave me so much more than expected in regards to content. I have since ordered books referenced in the course to further deepen and explore what has become ‘furthest interests’… i.e. Kabbala and alchemy, astrology and symbolism. It has had a positive impact on me as a practitioner, but already I am seeing the benefits to clients. Its an amazing way of working and unlocks so much for the client that otherwise might have stayed ‘off the radar’ for longer. So glad I did this… looking forward to more…" — Jennifer Holmes, Level 5 BACP, PTC-1 graduate
"PTC-1 is a well-organized and engaging course that is packed full of tarot wisdom; it will elevate your readings to a professional level as well as help you to empower your clients." — Cynthia, PTC-1 graduate
“Katrina’s class is amazing! This course is filled with rich and diverse content. The Professional Tarot Consulting Course is clear, concise and will prepare you for your lifelong study and possible business endeavors. Katrina makes herself available and welcomes dialogue throughout the course. I am already recommending Katrina’s class to everyone I encounter.“ — Nyingje, PTC-1 graduate
"If you’re looking for an in depth, varied, and fun way to learn more about Tarot counselling, I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending you sign up for this course. I’m really looking forward to doing Level 2." — Cat, PTC-1 graduate
"Katrina is warm and bubbly, and was very involved in each student’s progress through the course. I was honestly blown away by how much attention and care she paid everyone for the entire duration. She was there to provide feedback and answer questions for everyone as needed." — Terri, PTC-1 graduate
"Katrina has many decades of experience and wisdom to share, and yet I always get the sense that she models a “beginner’s mind” approach to reading Tarot— each experience is entering into the Mystery and seeing what unfolds. A master teacher is always learning and she certainly demonstrates that approach, particularly with her unique style of following the querent and seeing where they take the reading, instead of leading them (like more traditional predictive & prescriptive reading). She honors the inner wisdom and intuition of each person and is a master guide of walking them through unpacking their own personal insights." — Carrie, PTC-1 graduate
"If you are interested in exploring the spirituality of the Tarot, or ways that Tarot can be incorporated in counseling, do this course! Katrina Wynne is a wonderful, supportive teacher with a wealth of knowledge. She is very gentle. I learned more than I could have hoped for, and hope you do too." — Alison, PTC-1 graduate
"I think Katrina is a brilliant teacher. Very friendly, personable and approachable. Clearly very knowledgabe and dedicated to her work. I also find her very humble, and like that, she is not prescriptivist in her approach, but simply teaches us what she knows, and leaves us to decide whether or not we follow this in our own personal journeys. I think all good spiritual teachers are like this—encouraging students to follow their own journeys rather than forcing their own experiences and views onto others." — Coral, PTC-1, graduate
"The Professional Tarot Consulting program was the perfect way for me to dig deeper into Tarot – to learn and experience so much more than just a basic overview of the craft. Katrina is beyond knowledgeable in all things Tarot – you can tell she is just scratching the surface of all she wants to share – and yet each class was overloaded with history and connections and new awareness. My reading skills improved, but more importantly, I have a much richer understanding and respect for Tarot in all its forms." — Cherie, PTC-1 graduate
"I highly recommend Katrina’s course. You will expand your knowledge, open your eyes to topics you may not have linked with Tarot before, and meet like minded Tarotists around the world!! I loved the Study Buddy concept where I met up each week with my buddy in Canada (I live in Australia). It kept me commited to the program, expanded my horizons, and we shared insights, ideas, and spreads, and got to know each other,and about the country we reside in. Win! Win!" — Molly, PTC-1 graduate
"The PTC-1 has been a wonderful learning experience, rich with Katrina's extensive Tarot knowledge and wisdom from all her years of devoted study and practice to the art of transformative counseling." — Gena, PTC-1 graduate
"Thank you, Katrina, for the exciting, informative, and well-designed course; for your professionalism and caring attitude. I would recommend Professional Tarot Consulting Certificate Course to anyone looking to advance in their Tarot practice." — Nadiya, PTC-1 graduate
"This course has given me a solid foundation from which to grow my personal and professional practice. I feel more confident to trust in myself and my abilities, and have developed a clearer picture and path about how to bring by work with Tarot to life. Thank you, Katrina, for so generously sharing your love of Tarot Counseling with us!" — Gena, PTC-1 graduate
" I entered the course wanting to gain a better understanding and gain some hands-on experience and further knowledge regards using tarot in my counselling practice.
The course exceeded my expectation…. I not only got all of the above... I am now finding the training has deepened my practice work and how I am connecting with my clients as a psychotherapist. The things I have learnt along the way about symbolism, alchemy, the kabbala as well as tuning into my intuition more deeply has not only improved my ability when intuitively working with clients, but I am now also confidently able to offer tarot therapy as an approach. Any therapist wanting to work transpersonally should do this course… it’s also great fun! " — Jennifer Holmes, Level 5 BACP, PTC-1 graduate
"The email notification of the PTC-1 was serendipitous, as I had recently left another group where I had a very negative experience with the group leader. Knowing that you had a professional counseling background and therefore the skills to be an effective group leader, I felt safe to study with you. On day one you stated 'Please read posts with compassionate eyes and share with a caring tone." My trust in you was immediately validated!'" — Linda, PTC-1 graduate
"I really enhoyed being able to work with like-minded individuals on my journey towards integrating and learnng the Tarot. Katrina was professional and on top of it when it came to making sure I stayed on it to the end." — December, PTC-1 graduate
“I would highly recommend any new or experienced Tarot reader to do the PTC course, it was so informative and the content was far more than I expected and a lot of what was covered has inspired me to continue with the recommended readings and even the exercises can be done at different times throughout the year to help refresh and spur you on to better your client connections.” — Diane, PTC-1 graduate
"Katrina is a great inspirational teacher, so much wisdom, knowledge and passion in her work. She has a unique style of Tarot reading. Katrina was very helpful and prompt to help with questions and doubts that arose during my lessons, the mentoring was very supportive and enlightening." — Guiomar, PTC-1 graduate
"Katrina is an amazing, kindhearted lady of many talents and an incredibly gifted teacher of Tarot on its deepest level, a gift to all. I recommend her highly to anyone as a wonderful mentor and teacher with a wealth of knowledge and expertise." — Janette, PTC-1 graduate
"If you are thinking of taking a class with GSS or the PTC-1 course in particular DO IT! It is a wonderful experience and delivered in a very convenient and professional manner!" — Jenn, PTC-1 graduate
"I enjoyed the Professional Tarot Counseling Course it was very accommodating for me being that I reside in a rural area. This gave me the time to read, study and process the information at my own pace which supported a new learner to the tarot world. This allowed me to become more comfortable with interpreting and forming an intuitive transformative story for myself and querents. Awesome!" — Judy, PTC-1 graduate
"This fully encompassing and intensive course, the Professional Tarot Consulting Program, teaches skills that are highly beneficial, and expands the inner work with clients by bringing science-based knowledge and the metaphysical art facets together, and which enhances professional tarot reading and intuitive skills. It teaches everything from ethics and taking practical steps in business to gaining an in depth understanding of Dreamwork, Alchemy, the Kabbalah, Astrology and Symbolism and how it relates to tarot etc. You will notice the tarot readings will be more multi-layered that allows an non-authoritative line of questing and actively support clients gain a purpose and self-empowerment within life." — S K, PTC-1 graduate
"I cannot say enough good things about the PTC-1 course I took with Katrina Wynne— in fact, I have already told several friends about it!" — Carrie, PTC-1 graduate
"Katrina offers a unique boutique course that I found exciting to be part of. Her expertise and knowledge takes the seeker on a journey of self-discovery. I started the course as The Fool and ended feeling like I had achieved The World. Thank you Katrina for enriching my experience and pulling together all the components so gracefully. I highly recommend the PTC course to anyone who wants to go to the next level and become a Professional Tarot Counselor." — Julie, PTC-1 graduate
"The PTC-1 course offered by Katrina Wynne is a singular opportunity for any tarot card reader to take their game to the next level and a must for those who would like to start their own business. Expect to encounter in-depth information on tarot and related topics, thoughtful exercises and assignments, and the fun of sharing the experience with other readers! I highly recommend this course!" — Linda, PTC-1 graduate
"The most powerful takeaway for me is encapsulated in this quote from her book “An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling”:
'The experience of the reading becomes more important than the interpretation of the tarot cards.'
Wow— this is a completely a new way of seeing tarot for me. She describes it as “an experience of the cards’ message, their evoked spirits, and their dance.” I love how interactive and engaging of the full self this is and how it is process-oriented, not simply outcome-oriented. This makes sense, given her extensive background as a therapist, but I have never experienced the cards in this way before and this is truly transformational. Thank you to Katrina for such an enriching learning experience!" — Carrie, PTC-1 graduate
"I found Katrina's teachings, her approach to Tarot, to be new and perfect for what I am as a person. It helped explain things that made me uncomfortable in some of the tarot groups I attend. I could feel Katrina's warmth in the videos and appreciate the way she sees her teaching as a kind of mission to encourage professionalism in Tarot. I feel honored by that." — Mary Ann, PTC-1 graduate
"It is very evident that Katrina dedicated a huge amount of time and energy into this project to share her tarot wisdom with others - it is thoughtfully organized and engaging. The amount of information and resources given will provide a rich treasure trove to explore well beyond the course." — Cynthia, PTC-1 graduate
"This course has clarified many things that I wasn’t aware of or that I didn’t know. There is a lot of responsibility between and this course helped me understand the importance of boundaries, ethics, counseling, developing intuition, and being mindful during the readings." — Lirio, PTC-1 graduate
I stumbled into this course thinking it would assist in developing my counselling skills, ie how do you frame questions, what would you do if this situation arose ? etc etc.(nuts and bolts issues) What I got was so much more. It was an experience in areas with a new light shining on them. It was an illuminating, stimulating and enriching course. Fun too working with people from around the world. Highly recommend it to all looking to explore subtleties in time honoured knowledge — Lyn, Australia, PTC-1 graduate
“Katrina is very professional and kind. She wants you to succeed. You can tell just by listening to her and working with her.” — Holly, PTC-1 graduate
"I found it rather amazing how Katrina was able to pull the diversity of information all together in a way that was helpful in both tarot and one’s life. Her exercises on intuitive reading guided me to a whole new level of using tarot that was much richer than it had been before." — Mary Ann, PTC-1 graduate
"I could not have asked for a more knowledgeable instructor. I learned so much about Tarot, yet at the same time felt as if I could learn much more! Katrina is truly in a class by herself and it was an honor to be one of her students." Rashunda, PTC-1 graduate
“This has been a transformative experience. I’ve rethought much of my reading style, and for the first time I feel like going pro is doable rather than a distant dream.” Sherryl, PTC-1 graduate
“I loved the Facebook group. I liked being able to see other people’s responses. It allowed me to see other perspectives and think about things I didn’t see.” — Holly, PTC-1 graduate
"Katrina has long been an inspiring tarot thinker and teacher for me through the tarot community and her presentations through GSS and I wanted to take on this course to really get to the heart of the ideas and style she promotes and believes in." — Tess, PTC-1 graduate
“I have started watching the (PTC) classes and would like to tell you that I love your voice and pronunciation greatly: very clear and soothing at the same time. In general, lots to learn and to think for me.“ — Violeta, PTC-1 graduate
“I’ve loved doing Katrina’s Transformative Tarot Consulting Course and would highly recommend it. Truly a Heart-centered, inspirational and empowering experience into the World of Tarot. Not only a course, but a journey of self discovery.” — Ana, PTC-1 graduate
"Really great course. Such a wealth of info was shared by such an inspiring teacher. Thank you Katrina + Linda at GSS for putting this out into the world. I feel more prepared and qualified now to start work as a card reader." — Coral, PTC-1 Graduate
“The experience of using Facebook for this study group was fantastic. We could all relate to what each member of the group noted as well as being able to enjoy face time with out study buddies.” — Diane, PTC-1 graduate
“Anyone interested in Tarot should consider this course. It brings a whole new perspective to Tarot Reading. I can’t imagine reading without this knowledge.” — Holly, PTC-1 graduate
“Katrina is a skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate teacher. Katrina’s wisdom comes through in her teaching and all that she has to offer. She embodies this work and as a student it is greatly appreciated.” — Nyingje, PTC-1 graduate
"This course feels like a college-level class on Tarot, but it goes way beyond esoteric knowledge, to include the metaskills of counseling and facilitating client sessions, vital discussion of ethics, and many aspects of the business side of reading Tarot. There is also ample practice trading readings with partners." — Carrie, PTC-1 graduate
"When it comes to tarot classes, there are a lot of options, but Katrina's course gives you a deep dive into tarot. The class covered a lot of information, delivered in succinct chunks that were easy to absorb. The structure was clear, logical, and practical. There are also great book recommendations that I would never have known about if I hadn't taken her class. Benefits came from doing assignments, watching the videos, receiving individual feedback, and interacting with Katrina and other participants." — Kat, PTC-1 graduate
"The Course is hard work and challenges you to think outside the box. It’s inspiring and fascinating and Katrina teaches in a way that makes you think for yourself. I will be grateful always for the seeds planted and exploring these as they grow and blossom. Thank you!" — Tess, PTC-1 graduate
“I feel the course has given me the tools I need to move forward. My interest in the world of Tarot has been rekindled and already I feel I have a clearer understanding of my intuitive skills and how to apply them; looking forward to putting things into practice.” — Ana, PTC-1 graduate
"Katrina executed an exceptional duty of care to her students and class; responded to e-mails quickly, and very attentive." — Andrew, PTC-1 graduate
"I so appreciate how you are with us every step of the way and so very encouraging… I have loved every single thing about this course. Just a win, win! plus plus!" — Janette, PTC-1 graduate
"Getting a chance to regularly work with study buddy was really fun, and helped me not to fall out of the course. 8 weeks sounded very long, but now it’s (almost) over and I will miss the interactions with others". — Ikuko, PTC-1 graduate
"The Professional Tarot Consulting Certificate Course has changed my approach to Tarot and encouraged me to operate more holistically within my practice." — Jacqui, PTC-1 graduate
“Loved this class. It was challenging, engaging, and full of useful material. It covers a wide range of relevant topics, from the metaphysical to the mundane. If you want to expand yourself as a reader, and as a businessperson, you can’t go wrong.” — Cynthia, PTC-1 graduate
“I’ve learned so much more than I expected.” — Holly, PTC-1 graduate
"I had been searching for some time for a tarot course that combines the depth and rigor of ancient and modern esoteric and scientific knowledge with a creative, playful and uniquely personal approach to reading tarot. PTC-1 delivers exactly that. It’s a really well thought through course that covers theory, practice, live sessions and the opportunity to team up with peers to really help get the most out of the experience. It has given me the firm foundation I have been looking for to understand how to practice tarot, both for myself and others, to develop skills and confidence, to try out new approaches and techniques and to delight in the fun and the discovery along the way. Katrina’s knowledge and experience are incredible, her process is clear, highly impactful and dynamic and she has a wise and loving presence that uplifts and inspires. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to nurture and grow their tarot practice." — Anita, PTC-1 graduate
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"I was looking for tarot teaching that gave me the space to continue to explore my own style and strengths whilst also grounding my tarot reading in well-established techniques and theory. In Katrina’s programmes I found exactly this and more! A fantastic introduction to a vast field or an opportunity to dive deep if you already have some experience and really get to know your craft. Katrina comes from a counselling background blending this effortlessly with the tarot reading and with great skill. Katrina’s coaching and support to help you build these skills is gold and my confidence has grown so much as a result. I highly recommend Katrina Wynne to anyone who is serious about tarot and who is dedicated to being of service to others." — Anita, PTC-2 graduate
"As someone in the health field for the last 20 plus years, it is becoming more apparent that the human healing from emotional and psychological aspects must be considered and is vital for the overall well-being of an individual. Thus, as a tarot reader, I recognize the tarot is a powerful counselling tool to assist a person to gain coping mechanisms through self-awareness and guidance. " — S K, PTC-2 graduate
"I took the PTC-2 course at a time when I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue on my tarot path. I'd fallen into a rut. Katrina helped me "remember why I started" and gave me the tools to level up my practice. I highly, highly recommend this course for any tarot professional who wants to enhance and expand their practice. Thank you, Katrina!" — Rashunda, PTC-2 graduate
"My PTC-2 experience was rich due to the weekly tarot reading exchange with my wonderful fellow students and the personalized professional guidance we received from Katrina Wynne. Transformative Tarot Consulting is powerful, life changing work and I’m grateful to have someone with Katrina’s skills and experience to learn from." — Patryce, PTC-2 graduate
"I've unlocked something spiritually through the Tarot and my realizations have been incredible. As long as I've been practicing with the Tarot, I've never experienced anything so...transformative " — Wanda, PTC-2 graduate
"Katrina brings a beautiful playful and insightful style to her teaching, and her work with clients. PTC-2 was a wonderful opportunity to build on what I had learnt in PTC-1, and I only wish it was longer!" — Alison, PTC-2 graduate
"I feel much more comfortable in utilizing this modality with my clients after having gone through this course. PTC-1, of course, was just skimming the surface of potential. There is more of a hands-on feature with this course, which was SUPER helpful and fun for me. I also have a better idea of how to run my own classes, because of this training!" — Wanda, PTC-2 graduate
"I have done PTC1 and PTC2 with Katrina, and am looking forward to Going Pro with Tarot, hopefully next year. The classes have done wonders in developing and inspiring confidence in my reading style. I especially love that the classes were experiential, and not just information dumps. For me, the greatest challenge in this type of reading is not what I do, but what I don’t do, and having the confidence to breathe, wait, and leave space open for growth and insight to happen at its own pace. PTC-2 was a wonderful aid in learning how to do this." — Sue, PTC-2 graduate
"I had a great time in the PCT 2 course. I found the content very valuable and Katrina shares her knowledge with passion and dedication. I found Katrina to be very approachable and supportive and the mentoring session at the end was very helpful to me. I'm now enrolled in a college course after her input." — Georgia, PTC-2 graduate
"Thank you so much for your support in helping me grow. I appreciate you so much. You have truly been Instrumental in my success!" — Wanda, PTC-2 graudate
"Taking the PTC-2 with Katrina Wynne offers you the chance to dive even deeper with tarot and to study with a master tarot reader and teacher, as well as a seasoned retired therapist, who models how to read with a more therapeutic approach that is truly transformative.
You will have ample practice trading readings with your fellow students and the opportunity to observe Katrina demonstrate this unique style of facilitated reading that is focused on following the querent and exploring what they notice in the cards, as opposed to more traditional predictive readings that focus on the reader’s interpretation.
You'll also learn to be more present-moment-oriented and learn to allow yourself to be surprised by what arises in the reading because Katrina teaches you how to let go of your certainty in knowing 'what the cards mean' traditionally, and focus instead on the dynamic dance of what emerges spontaneously in the evoked spirits of the cards and the querent’s instinctive reaction to them in the moment. The cards feel more 'alive' and each reading feels fresh and inspired with Katrina’s style of reading because it’s not based on rigid interpretations of memorized meanings.
This approach will not just make you a better tarot reader, it will help you learn to be more aware and present, become a better listener and observer, and notice more nuance and subtlety. This will let the tarot “speak” through the querent instead of through you. If you are more interested in being a facilitator or guide to explore curiosity and engage in discovery with the cards, rather than being an all-knowing “authority” on interpreting the cards, then this course is for you.." — Carrie, PTC-2 graduate
"I felt drawn to signing up for the PTC-3 Course primarily because I have thoroughly enjoyed all Katrina’s courses and trainings that I have taken… my other reason is that I am always studying and looking to expand my repertoire of offerings and techniques I provide my clients and students. I have to say that my experience with this six-month course far surpassed what I thought I was signing up for. The level of healing, self-awareness and clarity in my personal and professional realms has shifted me into a powerful new chapter of me!! Thank you, Katrina.". — Moira, GPwT graduate
"Katrina brings lots of experience, knowledge, warmth and humour to her training. She really guides you to developing a deep experience with the cards and the skills to help clients into that experience themselves." — Alison, GPwT graduate
"Katrina is a wise, dedicated and tuned in teacher who encourages her students to not only tune into and develop their personal strengths; but her style helps her students start to believe in themselves." — Moira, GPwT graduate
"This was a very intense learning experience which provided an opportunity to both develop personally, and as a Tarot Coach and business." — Alison, GPwT graduate
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"Katrina... Thanks so much for the guidance and support from you in GPwT Ready to Teach. You have helped me feel confident and ready to launch my 6-month program, and it is coming together well." — Moira, PTC-4 graduate
How long does it take to learn Tarot?
My "Beginning Tarot" series is about four hours long and gives you a great foundation for understanding the cards.
The rest is up to you and your dedication. On the other hand, Tarot can be a life-long study...look at me...Haha!
Are your recorded classes affordable?
Actually, they are such a great resource...my students tell me I'm not charging enough...such a deal!!
You can expect to pay about $19 USD for each 60–90 minutes of instruction, plus you can download them and review as often as you like. My recorded classes are packed with information, visual examples, exercises, and many handouts...all on my Global Spiritual Studies webpage.
Copyright © 1991–2025 Katrina Wynne - All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KATRINA WYNNE and TRANSFORMATIVE TAROT COUNSELING™ with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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